Tuesday, September 2, 2008

she calls me cause I'm still awake

Tell me, what makes you think your so invincible? I can see it in your eyes that your so sure. What about me? The vulnerable one, the one too scared to climb in a kiddy play tube because I'm afriad it will shrink while I'm inside and crush me. I need you, Mr. I-think-I'm-so-invincible-and-brave-and-allthoseannoyingwordsguysusetomakethemselveslookmasculine-annoying-but-oh-so-adorable-man. I'm waiting for you to make a choice. I've made mine. You still haven't taken my hand to jump off the cliff, but oh Mr. Invincible the fall before your swept of your feet it is one of complete serenity.
How do I become you? Do I even want to become you? What's the view from life in the fast lane?

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