I'm thinking I should print this off for my mother and I. We inherited the wrong hairy-ness amount from our father's. I've often turned this paranoia over and over in my head; I'm certain any significant other would be scared away if they knew the truth.
I don't understand why hair on girls is such a taboo? Many European women never have to shave, but us Americans do or we are considered replusive by most men. I'm tired of it and maybe I want to be hairy sometimes! It takes way to much time these days... Especially when you expect my vag to be smooth as a babies bottom! Yes, I started to before you, but now that you request--DEMAND it-- I have no motivation to. I'm becoming more logical as I age, shaving as often or waxing just to be silky smooth for a night with you is ridculous. I don't expect it from you and by golly if I feel like letting my vag hair grow out a bit then I will! You can like it or not, but I will no longer take some much time to please you.
I ENTIRELY agree with this crazy obsession on women removing all of their body hair; but the hair on their heads should be wonderful, long and vivid.
But I DON'T AGREE however on you saying that there are European women "who don't need to shave". This could not be further from the truth. I am a Europeean, and have travelled all throughout Europe. And I promise you; if a girl shows up whenever, wherever, with hairy armpits or arms covered with dark hair, 99 % of all people would frown.
It's a crazy world we live in. I mean; Julia Roberts' hairy armpits "worn" at an Oscar or something in 1997 is still showed in magazines as a "don't" or a "yuk".
With all love,
-- marie
(What i meant was; that I totally agree that this crazy obsession is BAD BAD BAD ;)
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